... for those unclear on the concept.
First, our beloved Ann Arbor News ran a piece on a family who try to buy American as much as possible. Not a problem, philosophically, right up to the point where Mrs. needed a new "mixer." They went to local stores, and looked for products that said "Made in America" on the box. Then they went home and bought one, for cheap, on eBay. Let's protect American jobs. Idiots.
Next, in reference to her mother who was killed by a neighbor's pack of American Bulldogs, a woman said, "It's ok for God to take her. But for God to take her like this is unacceptable."
So there's now some kind of standard for acts of God? And God stepped over the line on this one? Are you planning on suing God, Madame, or just talking trash about him on the talk show circuit? As far as I could tell from the newspaper coverage (admittedly it was the Detroit Free Press), everyone except the victim seemed to be an Idiot.
As an aside, I was reading the bulldog story, aloud with annotation, to Linda this morning in the cafe', down at Kerrytown, and the young woman sitting next to us got up and left. She'd been reading "Jewels of (something) from the Gospel of Matthew."