Seriously, this take on Detroit food brings to mind the Firesign Theater bit about Mayor Noche's Bamba Shelter: Hey, Jose', order up our special-a sandwich, a sleepy Joe. One's enough, 'cause they're made of dog food and downers! Plus, fabulous, this week only, red beans and reds! Yes, Bad food and bad people go together at Mayor Noche's (cue reverb) Bamba Shelter!
To John's comment below, the "study" that produced this conclusion was a survey of LivingSocial (a Groupon wannabe) customers, so its gold-plated, double-blind, statistical veracity could well be questioned. The Mlive blogger
I have had no problem finding good food in Seattle. As for Detroit, I assume that they are referring to the Detroit Metropolitan Area which has plenty of very good restaurants. The downside is that zoning, rent and other tom-foolery makes it tough to have a good restaurant next to anything else you might want to do.