The Occasional Joke

Nurse: Patient's name?

Centurion: Marcus Licinius Crassus

Nurse: And his date of birth?

Centurion: 115 BC.

Nurse: All right. And what is he here for?

Centurion: Cataphract surgery.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm sorry ...

... but that's not the right answer. Thank you for playing.

"But we have to recognize that not all medicine is evidence-based,” he said. “Some of it is anecdotal, and some doctors use their own evidence. That doesn't necessary mean that it's wrong."

Yes, actually it does. Especially when you're talking about this load of criminally negligent nonsense.

And then there's this gentleman.

He "... runs his own company called Real Cool Futures."

"One of his products is making gift paper and stationery from sheep droppings which has been presented to Prince Charles." (Due to the inept writing in the article, I'm unable to say if the paper has been presented to Prince Chas, or if the sheep droppings have to have been previously, in order for the paper making process to work, subsequently.)

"In 2006 he won a £20,000 Millennium Award for 'social entrepreneurship'."

But this week, he blew up his house trying to make home made vodka. Strangely enough, the entrepreneur in question lives in Wales, and is not part of Governor's Snyder's plans to reinvent Michigan.


  1. The reason that these crazy methods work is that the body is trying to heal itself while all this BS is going on. The other reason they appear to work has to do with something unsatisfying. Namely, that some percentage of illnesses are psychosomatic and require a ritual to resolve them. Que the shaman.

  2. Hmmm -- just a semantic quibble. "The reason that people believe that these crazy methods work ..." is probably what you meant.

  3. Right. I meant to say "appear to work". My go-to article on snake bite is still the one that ran in Smithsonian magazine in 1999. They noted two characteristics. One was that 66% of woman and children are bitten on the leg or foot. 66% of men are bitten on the hand or face. Second, rattlesnakes don't always inject a full load of venom when they bite and may even inject none. The last part leading many people to believe that their ridiculous snake bite remedy was reliable.
