The Occasional Joke

Nurse: Patient's name?

Centurion: Marcus Licinius Crassus

Nurse: And his date of birth?

Centurion: 115 BC.

Nurse: All right. And what is he here for?

Centurion: Cataphract surgery.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

There's a new kid in town (Everybody started walkin')

In compliance with my newly-adopted policy of not buying seafood on any kind of predetermined plan, but rather to always ask "What's good today?" I got a delicious piece of fish, new to me, called Cobia. Also known as a bunch of other things, Ling was the only alternate name I'd heard of. Rachycentron canadum is a semi-firm chunk of protein with a sweet flavor, very tasty indeed. (Note that I'd already eaten part of mine before I remembered to take a picture.)

Although Monahans's had a somewhat complex recommendation for making it, I just flung it in a bag with olive oil and some herbs for half an hour, and then grilled it - four or five minutes a side, for a piece this thick. If you're down at Kerrytown, grab a slab of it, and give it a try.

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