The Occasional Joke

Nurse: Patient's name?

Centurion: Marcus Licinius Crassus

Nurse: And his date of birth?

Centurion: 115 BC.

Nurse: All right. And what is he here for?

Centurion: Cataphract surgery.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A request from Food Gatherers ...

... to harass your elected officials. The following is from an email I got from FGs, the Ann Arbor food bank / food rescue place where we both (and some of you, too, I believe) have volunteered from time to time. If you're inclined to do so, the link in the content below is to an automated send-em'-a-message site.

On Thursday, June 11, the Michigan Senate voted to cut funding for the Food Bank Council of Michigan's Michigan Agricultural Surplus System (MASS). MASS is a partnership between Michigan food banks, the agricultural community and the Michigan Department of Agriculture that provides a means for collection and distribution of surplus Michigan-grown agricultural produce. Annually, nearly six million pounds of food are distributed to local pantries, soup kitchens and shelters that would otherwise go to waste or end up in a landfill.

A House version of the appropriations bill will be voted on in the upcoming weeks. We're asking you to please contact your State Representative and ask them to restore funding for MASS. We're making it easy for you to contact them via email. Just select the link below and follow the instructions to send a message to your Representative and the Governor. After you've sent your message, you'll have the opportunity to tell others to send a message too. We appreciate your help in spreading the word.

We need you to take action by Tuesday, June 30. Here's the link:

Thanks for your help in urging decision makers to keep funding to feed Michigan's hungry.

Let's pretend ...

... that I'm a political pundit.

"So, Jon, I have to say, isn't this just like the Republicans? I mean, here's a so-called conservative, Mark Sanford, supposedly a friend of the working guy, a populist, or so he'd like us to believe, and he does something like this!. Elliot Spitzer, a flaming liberal if there ever was one, he at least did his dirty business with good old fashioned American small business! But Sanford, he outsources it to the third world! He's taking food out of the mouths of the American sex worker! Shades of Ross Perot -- I hear a giant sucking sound! And as if that weren't bad enough, where does he choose to do his horsing around? The very country that once staged a vicious attack on our most staunch ally in the war against, um, things! What would Reagan say? Margaret Thatcher is spinning in her grave! Although, yes, I know she's not dead yet, but I mean come on! What next? Larry Craig vacationing in Venezuela? Gingrich galavanting in Guatemala? How much will the American people stand?"

And so on and so on. It's soft targets like this that make me envy Letterman.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another dinner

Rack of lamb, orecchiette with golden beets, beet greens, and pecans.

Hot dog!

Ai, yi yi

On a news web site, my eyes were, however unwillingly, drawn to an ad -- one of those bogus survey things. "Is Obama a good president? Yes/No. Win a free dinner at Olive Garden!"

I'm starting to question my life-long support for the first amendment.