The Occasional Joke

Nurse: Patient's name?

Centurion: Marcus Licinius Crassus

Nurse: And his date of birth?

Centurion: 115 BC.

Nurse: All right. And what is he here for?

Centurion: Cataphract surgery.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Nothing Earth Shaking

Last MRI was as positive, when someone who knows what he's doing looked at it, as the previous one. Basically, tumors in head gone, good.

We have also, however, backed off on the steroid that I was taking, down from a big 'ol 40mg 4 days a week to 1mg, daily, just for the fun of it, far as I can tell. This has its interesting aspects, since while I was taking the big dose, I never, ever, got anything resembling a headache. Now, it's possible to get one, and I'd gotten used to being immune, even to things like slighly misadjusted glasses frames. Bugger, back to reality.

What's next? We haven't really decided -- a different drug, probably, but not clear which or how. And once I can successfully navigate more than 10 or 20 steps without a crutch (a physical one -- my psychological crutches are far, far too deeply ingrained), I'll be back at work, physically, instead of just virtually as I am now, a mere wispy voice on the phone, demanding compliance with standards.

Meanwhile, it's Sunday night, and that starts with "S" and that rhymes with "don't mess," and that means "rawfish." Time for our weekly religious observance at the shrine of hamachi and others. Yum, can't wait.

The following appeared in the WCA news in 2000, when the original Sweetwaters cafe' on Washington was my morning stop, before work, and I used to hear a lot of this kind of thing.


Ann Arbor: Overheard in the cafe this morning: two women (regulars, who I suspect of being public school teachers) -- one says, "It's one thing to LOVE your dog, but it's something else to LICK your dog." Her friend gives her a completely emotive, between the eyes, I'm really listening to you look and says, "Mmm-hm." Minutes later, they were discussing sushi and giggling.


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